2013 – A year of adventure

London to Brighton
Yes to London to Brighton – 56 miles

After leaving hospital in early 2012 I knew I had to give myself time to get used to living with Crohn’s Disease and allow my health to get stable. But this slower pace of life was fine for a while but by the end of the year I knew I could do more despite having Crohn’s Disease. So for 2013 I set myself the simple New Year’s resolution of “be more adventurous”.

Yes to RideLondon – 100 miles

By telling myself to “be more adventures” it didn’t mean I was going to row the pacific, cycle the world or compete to be an Iron Man I just wanted to break down the mental barriers that I had set myself by pushing myself out of my comfort zone, one step at a time. In its simplest form that’s all adventure really is, just a personal experience of pushing yourself further that you had originally thought possible. An easy technique to help do this was introduced to me by Dave Cornthwaite and his attitude of simply “Say Yes More!” I never knew that doing this would help me cycle over 2000  miles. That it would take me from London to Paris on a bike. That it would take me up the highest peak in Scotland, England and Wales within 24hrs.

Cycled to Paris BECAUSE I have IBD – 220 miles

The feeling of achieving things that once seemed impossible can become very addictive so much so it has changed my whole mentally regarding my Crohn’s Disease. I am no longer doing stuff despite of having Crohn’s I am being adventurous BECAUSE I have it as I need to make the most of my healthier years.

3 Peaks in 24hrs?!? - Yes!
3 Peaks in 24hrs?!? – Yes!

My new year’s resolution for 2014 is again a simple one, keep being adventurous BECAUSE I have IBD! Hopefully that attitude will take me the full length of Great Britain on a bike and up Kilimanjaro.

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