Day 4 of ‪#‎7DaysofIBD‬ for Crohn’s and Colitis Awareness Week

#7DaysofIBD is to show how every day with Crohn’s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis is different by asking people to share their story during the Crohn’s and Colitis Awareness Week using #7DaysofIBD and here’s a day from mine…

Day 4 of ‪#‎7DaysofIBD‬


Last week at work I sent an email out to the team that I work in talking about #PurpleFriday and how it would be great for everyone to wear purple on Friday 4th to raise awareness of Crohn’s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis but to also show support for friends, family and colleagues that suffer with the conditions. I wasn’t expecting much of a response, maybe a few people would respond, but in fact almost everyone in the office got behind the idea. Some of those who couldn’t make the day even felt compelled to donate as a way of showing support. Throughout the week before, colleagues would comment on anyone wearing purple before Friday, telling them they’ve peaked too soon or jokingly got their days mixed up. When Friday arrived I was amazed to see so much purple in the office in the form of scarves, t-shirts, jumpers, and even purple lip gloss!! There were of course some who didn’t own anything purple but they still got involved by borrowing my charity tops when it was time for a group picture. In the end it was great to raise over £40 however the highlight of the day was getting so much support and camaraderie from a group of people I’ve only known for a few months, especially when you consider how nervous I was in sharing my Crohn’s Disease story with them when applying for the job and in my first few weeks of work. It just goes to show how we should never need to suffer in silence even if the internalised stigma wrongly tells us we should.


Find out how to get involved with Crohn’s and Colitis Awareness Week

Crohns and Coltiis Awareness Week


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